
FBC Treehouse Kid's Ministry

Sundays @ 10:45am Wednesdays @ 6:30pm

Adventurers (0-4 yrs)

Our preschool and nursery ministry is called the FBC Treehouse Adventurers. Our ministry design is to communicate 3 powerful truths to our precious little ones. 1.God made me. 2. God loves me. 3. Jesus wants to be my friend forever. We love our little ones and know that within the heart of a child is the faith to move mountains. Stop by and check out what our little ones are working on at our First Fruits board (located in the Nursery hallway).

Explorers (K-5th Grade)

FBC Treehouse Explorers is a ministry for our K-5th graders. Our design is to be a consistent influence through our leadership whose goal is to incite wonder, provoke discovery, and fuel passion in our sons and daughters. We believe that every child needs a person and a place to anchor their lives to something solid. Our goal is to support your family in bringing our young children to an authentic and exciting relationship with Jesus Christ!