Meet Pastor Scott


Pastor Scott Harris

I grew up in a nominal Christian home in the Bible belt of the south.  Having done so, there were several times in my early life that I “accepted” Christ as my Savior.  However, it was not until my girlfriend (Cyndi) and I began attending First Baptist Indian Rocks under the preaching of Dr. Charlie Martin that I realized I confessed with my mouth, but Christ had never regenerated my heart! It was then as a 20 year old young man that I truly understood the gospel and began my real journey with Christ! After slowly gaining in knowledge of God’s Word and the person of Christ, through a series of circumstances, God called me into full time ministry at 27 years old.

My desire as a pastor is to glorify God in all things and make Him known. As a result, I long to preach the Gospel, and shepherd His people by equipping the saints for the work of the ministry.  Disciples are what we are called to be as Christians; meaning that discipleship is more than just something we participate in once a week, month, or year.  Rather, we should live in such a way as to bear fruit in a lost world that desperately needs Him!!  And it is to that end that I have been called.

It is my great joy to serve as one of the pastors here at First Baptist Brooksville!  However, the greatest joy in my life is being husband to my wife of 20 years Cyndi. And also being a dad to our 11 year old twins Owen and Marin!